Roster Role: 8am Bible Reader


This role requires you to prepare and read the passages shown in the 8am Roster:

  • Our readings come from the New International Version (NIV), 1984 edition.
  • There are usually 3 passages indicated on the roster, the passage in bold font is the Sermon Reading and is generally read by the Preacher. The other 2 passages, in regular font, are for the Bible Reader.
  • Practice reading the passages beforehand. Make sure you are comfortable with the flow, the meaning and the expression of the passage, and become familiar with any difficult words it may include.
  • Arrive early to liaise with the Service Leader to confirm the readings, when they will happen and any other pertinent plans. Also liaise with the person managing the Sound System to make sure you will be heard while reading.
  • Come to the front when appropriate and stand comfortably at the lectern. State the reference you'll be reading and remind the congregation that they can follow along on the screen or from the pew Bibles and tell them the page they can find the passage on. Giving this information before you begin will provide an extra few moments for anyone looking it up to find the right page.
  • If you feel it would be helpful, give a very quick statement about the context of the passage you're about to read, either what has just happened (which we'll most likely have read in the Sundays leading up to this one) or some sort of historical or cultural reference that would help the congregation grasp the meaning easier or quicker.
  • Read the Bible passage clearly and don't rush.
  • When you finish reading, move back to your seat. Unless it's the Gospel reading, when you say "This is the Word of the Lord." To which the congregation will reply "Thanks be to God."
  • Repeat, if necessary.