
Bring enough white bread cut into 1 to 1.5cm squares for 80-100 and enough gluten free bread for about 6 people.

Collect trays from music storeroom

         1 white tray 

         1 tray marked wine

         1 tray marked juice

Also take the plastic container with the larger glasses ( childrens glasses)in it for the white tray, the Chalice, the wine container, the large bowl for the bread  and the plastic pourer to the kitchen.

The juice (black current) is kept in the fridge.

Make up a small jug of juice by mixing black current and water in the ratio of 1 juice to 3 water. 

Put the large cups in the white tray and pour in juice so that the children won’t spill it but still have enough to celebrate the communion.

Half fill the small cups, the one marked juice with juice and the one marked wine with wine. The juice tray will also have a green ribbon on the handle.

Three parts fill the Chalice with wine.Take all item to the table and arrange so it all fits and is accessible by the leader. Place a wipe for the chalice on the platen and cover the cups with the cloths provided.

Place the plastic collection bowls on the front pews.