Roster Role: 5.30 PM Counter


This role requires you to always work with a partner, who is unrelated to you and who is not a Ministry Staff member of the Parish:

  • Make sure there is a basket set up at the back of the church for people to put their giving in. This is best on a chair against the back of the last pew in the middle section, off to one side.
  • Shortly after the service, take the basket and the other Counter in the Music Store Room to count and record the giving.
  • Using the record keeping sheets provided to record how much money there is and note down the allocations as indicated on the deposits, e.g. Missions, Youth, other, etc.
  • Ensure that the overall number of attendees, as well as the names and other relevant details are recorded in the Church Register (big book, kept in the Music Store Room).
  • Put the money and the counting sheet in a bank bag and lock it in the safe ready for banking.
  • Please ensure all discarded envelopes are double-checked for miscellanous cash and leave in the rubbish box for disposal.
  • Please advise the Church Office when there are 6 or less record keeping sheets left.
  • Leave the Music Store Room locked when you finish.
  • For more information, go to SDS website: