Roster Role: 10am Communion


At 10am, we generally share in Communion on the first Sunday of every month.

This role requires you to:

  • Provide bread, cut into small squares. Please include at lease six (6) servings that are gluten free. 
  • Arrive early to ensure you have adequate time to fulfil your role.
  • Put the bread in a bowl/s. Ensure the gluten free servings are kept separate to avoid cross contamination. 
  • Pour the wine (found in the Music Store Room) and grape juice (found in the fridge), into the little cups in the Communion trays, (also found in the Music Store Room). The trays with a green ribbon tied to the handles are designated as the trays for juice. Please make sure the larger glasses, in the white trays are used for juice for the children, and that these are not filled with more than a sip of juice.
  • Pour wine into the Common Cup.
  • Place everything on the table up the front of the church, put the cover on the Common Cup and cover everything with a cloth.
  • Clean up, wash up and pack everything away afterwards.
  • Please take linens home to wash and iron. Then return them to the Music Store Room by the following Sunday.